From 11 to 18 July 2023 young people from Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Denmark and Spain have gathered in Neumarkt in der Steiermark.The main goals of the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange „RADIO GAGA – Building resilience in challenging times“ were to enrich participants knowledge on the term of resilience and how to get through challenging times in their lives.

During this project participants had a chance to understand and diminish triggers caused by their reliance on social media platforms, digital gadgets, and other sources of stress, by refusing the usage of any kind of technical devices, disconnecting from the internet and social media for five days.

Facilitators provided project’s members with a new perspective on the main topic, tools and knowledge. They used methods like reflection and work in teams and individually. The activities made it easier for young people not only to get to know themselves, their creativity and well-being, but also to socialize more with their peer group. The participants could express themselves through making collages in groups and designing their personal tote-bags. To make it easier for members to understand and learn other cultures, facilitators organized a „Cultural Evening“, where the national teams could present their national identity and traditions by implementing funny sketches. Participants were also introduced to the Youthpass, its eight key competences and tested their knowledge in Erasmus+ pub quiz.

After five days of disconnection members gradually got their digital devices back and reintegrated. To assure their experience, participants brainstormed and discussed their plans about their future approach for digital engagement. To help them achieve those goals, they had a possibility to establish a buddy support system.

The Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Neumarkt was a beautiful experience. I met new people from different countries around Europe and I connected with most of them, made friendships that will last forever. I learned to accept people for what they are and I became more open to others. (Tomi)

It has been an unforgettable experience that has exceeded all our expectations.
We had debates, fun energizers, interesting and creative workshops, silent hiking routes, where we learned to analyze what it meant for us to be resilient and what we could change from our lives to implement it. All of this, while not using for three days any technology and social networks. This made us more aware of our daily usage and the impact that has in our lives. Moreover, we connected with all the people that participated and learned from their cultures. We ended up leaving with not wanting our phones back and new forged friendships from all over Europe, that we can’t wait to have the opportunity to see each other again soon. (Tanja)

I thoroughly enjoyed my Erasmus+ Youth Exchange experience in Neumarkt. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet new and friendly people from different countries and acquire valuable skills along the way. Through various activities and interactions, I developed important intercultural communication and teamwork skills. I hope to reunite with some of these newfound friends in the future and continue building upon the skills and experiences we gained together. (Michael)

The project was co-funded by the European Union. The project was supported by Land Steiermark – Gesundheit, Pflege, Sport und Gesellschaft and the European Youth Forum Neumarkt (EYFON).

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