In August 2023 our partner organisation „Mladi Evropejci Gorenjska“ successfully finished our ‚Youth as Peacemakers‘ youth exchange in Sarajevo, which hosted 38 participants from 6 countries. 😄

🕊️ The project ‚Youth as Peacemakers‘ was based on the topics of peacebuilding, intercultural dialogue, and non-violent communication.
🕊️ We aimed to create a group of participants from different countries and cultural backgrounds to come together in a safe atmosphere where exchange and dialogue could occur and be facilitated on the relevant topics.

💬Through this exchange, we wanted to promote the inclusion of young people in community life to prevent negative attitudes towards people from other cultures and countries, encourage creative thinking as a means of spreading information about the topic, contribute to making young people more knowledgeable, tolerant, and peaceful, and be part of the promotion and development of non-formal learning.

🫶 We made many new friends, learned more about each other and ourselves through various workshops, had a lot of fun at cultural nights, discovered Sarajevo’s hidden gems, and went home with the best memories 🙂

Thanks to everybody who contributed and made this exchange as amazing as it was! 💙💛

The participation in the training programme was co-funded by Erasmus+ and Land Steiermark.

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