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Spring Federal Committee Meeting (FC)

12. April - 14. April

The Federal Committee (FC) meets twice a year and is responsible for formulating JEF resolutions policies. It is the main decision-making body between the European Congresses of JEF Europe. The Federal Committee is mainly composed of one representative of each national section of JEF and 16 members elected directly by the Congress. This allows JEF to combine national representatives with directly elected European representatives united in one assembly (instead of two different chambers) – federalism in practice!

All FC members together are interacting with the Executive Bureau (EB) like a parliament interacts with a government and holds it accountable. Each of the 16 directly elected members of the FC is also responsible for one area of political or organisational activity being the (co-)chair of one of the Political Commissions or Task Forces respectively.

HERE you can find more information about the Spring Federal Committee Meeting 2024 in Tartu (Estonia).

Participation in this training programme is financially supported by Land Steiermark.



12. April
14. April

